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Promoting the enjoyment, study, and conservation of Wisconsin's birds.

WSO - Honey Creek Birdathon

By Jeff Baughman On Saturday, June 18, 2022, the WSO held its Birdathon/Bandathon at our Honey Creek property in Sauk County. The Birdathon portion of the event included an early dawn chorus field trip and later a hike on our trails north of Skyview Road. The dawn chorus trip started at Alder Drive and Skyview Roads intersection at 4 AM. It was a perfect morning for birding, with clear skies... Read More   

May brings surprising array of rare birds !

By Mark Korducki It has been a fantastic month of birding.   Jim Edlhuber photographed this second state record Fulvous Whistling Duck on Lake Waubesa in Dane County on May 16. The most unusual sighting during May occurred in Dane County where a Fulvous Whistling Duck was discovered. This bird was a one day wonder but proved quite cooperative that day and, thanks to modern communication... Read More   

WSO’s Big Birding Bash tallies at least 239 species

WSO invited the bird lovers of Wisconsin to participate in the state’s first ever Big Birding Bash over the weekend of May 21-22. It was an open invitation to members and non-members alike and to birders of all levels to join a bird walk, field trip, volunteer work day or community science event. The only ask from WSO was that groups or individuals contribute their sightings during those... Read More   

Kettle Moraine State Forest - Northern Unit Field Trip, June 2022

Our group of 19 birders met at Jersey Flats Prairie Restoration Project parking lot at 6 AM to begin our WSO field trip through a small part of the KMSF-NU. After introductions and a brief itinerary, we took a short walk on a mowed trail into the prairie. Soon we had nice scope views of our target species Henslow’s Sparrow. We eventually heard 4 of these small, flat headed sparrows... Read More   

WSO unveils the newest version of ‘Haunts’

The Wisconsin Society for Ornithology is proud to unveil the latest edition of the state’s original and most comprehensive bird-finding resource: Wisconsin’s Favorite Bird Haunts – in its first ever online and interactive format. Since its inception, Haunts has been considered a premier Wisconsin birding resource. The selected sites in the latest edition, chosen by 110 local experts in... Read More   

White River Marsh 2022 Report

By Tom Schultz, WSO field trip committee It was beautiful dawn at White River Marsh, with clear skies and calm winds – even though the early morning temperature was only about 35 degrees.  Our group of about 20 gathered along White River Road, and soon began a slow walk down the gravel roadway. The marsh was alive with bird song, with SORA and VIRGINIA RAILS calling, and SWAMP SPARROWS... Read More   

April Rare Birds Magpie! Garganey! Sharp-tailed Sandpiper! Long Billed-Curlew!

By Mark Korducki April started out colder and wetter than normal. It rained or snowed on the first 10 days of the month. This cold start delayed migration and made for some slow birding. The one rare sighting that occurred during the early part of the month was a group of three Black-billed Magpies in Bayfield County. At least two of these birds have been seen consistently and now Have... Read More   

Nesting Milwaukee eagle died from bird flu

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Initial tests on the Bald Eagle that died April 9th after it was found grounded in Milwaukee’s Bay View neighborhood indicate it was suffering from highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI), according to the Wisconsin Humane Society. An influenza strain called EA H5N1 is circulating among domestic and wild birds in North America. Wildlife and... Read More   

Avian influenza and Wisconsin birds: What you need to know

  Madison Audubon The Wisconsin DNR announced in late March 2022 that highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (also known as HPAI or EA H5 Avian Influenza) has been detected in wild raptor and waterfowl species in Wisconsin. WHAT ABOUT BIRD FEEDERS? Many of you have been asking us about bird feeders, which we recommended people take down during 2021’s outbreak of a mystery illness that... Read More   

WSO invites the state to join its Big Birding Bash May 21-22 - full schedule here!

  WSO’s Big Birding Bash The Wisconsin Society for Ornithology invites the bird lovers of Wisconsin to participate in the state’s first ever Big Birding Bash.  There’s something on offer for birders of all levels (members and non-members alike).  Join us for a bird walk, field trip, volunteer work day, or community science event on May 21 or May 22.  Anything goes as... Read More   

WSO members voting on new leadership

  For many decades, members of the Wisconsin Society for Ornithology elected its officers during an annual meeting at its spring convention. Beginning in 2020, officer terms were extended from one year to two, with elections to be held every two years. Due to COVID 19, that election was held online and by mail.     The Board Of Directors had hoped to conduct the 2022 election... Read More