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Promoting the enjoyment, study, and conservation of Wisconsin's birds.

Research Symposia

Winter research symposia provide an opportunity to highlight some of the latest avian research in the state and beyond. They also provide a chance for the birding community to better connect with the academic community. Planning is underway for the 2015 symposium, so check back for more information!

In 2014, WSO sponsored a half-day research symposium in conjunction with the annual winter meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of The Wildlife Society (WCTWS). The title of the symposium was "The latest technology in avian research and monitoring" and featured seven speakers and a diversity of cutting-edge topics.

Title Speaker
Monitoring the individual foraging behavior of birds using RFID: new applications of an old technology Chris Latimer
The evolution of video camera technology and its application to avian ecology research John Dadisman
Turning on the lights to nocturnal migration: the power of Doppler radar for
ornithological research
David La Puma
Leica Company
Introduction to eBird: how can one million Wisconsin bird observations per year help managers and scientists? Tom Prestby
UW-Green Bay
Using automated telemetry to spy on the nightlife of warblers in the Midwest and the migratory pathway of thrushes crossing the Gulf of Mexico. Michael Ward
Univ. of Illinois
Use of archival geolocator tags to document movements and f
oraging patterns of common loons

Kevin Kenow

An important wintering population of golden eagles in southwestern Wisconsin and southeastern Minnesota

Mark Martell
MN Audubon

Breakthroughs in wildlife tracking technology: Project SNOWstorm and
the snowy owl irruption of 2013/2014

David La Puma
Leica Company