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Promoting the enjoyment, study, and conservation of Wisconsin's birds.

Events Calendar

Madison- Bird Outing, Warner Park
Sunday, December 17, 2017 01:30pm 03:00pm

Family friendly outing at Warner Park to share stories about the trees, plants, frogs, birds, bugs and other wildlife that are busy nestling in for winter, ready to reappear like magic next spring.  Join the group afterward at the campfire for hot chocolate and perhaps some readings from Aldo Leopold and John Muir that help inspire generations of naturalists including the next generation of kids. Free, family friendly nature outing, no registration required.  Wear comfortable clothes for cool weather. 

Warner Park
2930 N. Sherman Ave.
Walks at Warner Park held on the 3rd Sunday every month are co-sponsored by Madison Bird City FUN partners Wild Warner By clicking this link, you will be leaving the City of Madison website. and Madison Audubon By clicking this link, you will be leaving the City of Madison website.. Meet at the colorful Warner Park Shelter by the lagoon. Parking is available nearby.